In the Middle by Carin Fahr Shulusky May 3, 2022 Book Blast Synopsis: Carrie Young had it all. She was a successful account executive for a small advertising agency and still managed to be a loving wife and dutiful mother until her mother fell suddenly ill. As...
Finding Light in a Lost Year by Carin Fahr Shulusky
Finding Light in a Lost Year by Carin Fahr Shulusky May 16 – June 10, 2022 Virtual Book Tour Synopsis: Roni Wright thought she had everything; huge home, successful husband, kids, and a brilliant career. That is until the worse pandemic in 100 years swept away...
American Red by David Marlett
American Red by David Marlett on Tour July 1 - August 31, 2019 Synopsis: In American Red, as the Great American Century begins, and the modern world roars to life, Capitalists flaunt greed and seize power, Socialists and labor unions flex their violent will,...