In order to download an Edelweiss Digital Review Copy to your Kindle, you will need to first go to your Kindle Settings in Amazon.
- Add our kindle email address as one of your approved emailers. To do this:
- Go to ‘Manage Your Kindle’ on Amazon. Or from the homepage, click Your Account on the upper right, then Manage Your Kindle (under the Digital Content section)
- Then select Personal Document Settings (on the left hand side, under Your Kindle Account)
- Under the heading Approved Personal Document List click Add a new approved email address.
- Add as an approved sender.
- While you are on this page, take note of your Kindle’s email address, under the the heading Send-to-Kindle E-Mail Settings. For example or Note that this address is different from your personal or business email address: it is an address assigned specifically for use by your Kindle.
First Time Download from Edelweiss
- Once you have found a book you would like to download, click the Download Review Copy button.
- When the box below pops up, select Change at the top
- This will bring you to this box, where you should select Kindle. You can also check the box below to download to the Kindle in the future (you can easily change this later if you do use another device). Click Continue.
- If you already followed the initial setup steps at the beginning of these instructions, you just need to enter your Kindle’s email address, and select a download method.
- Download methods:
- Send to email: If your kindle is wi-fi enabled, or has 3G the the file will be transferred the next time it is connected to the Internet over wi-fi or 3G. If not, you the file will transfer to your Kindle when you next connect your Kindle to your computer directly.
- Send directly to Kindle: This will send the book to your Kindle wirelessly. You may be charged by Amazon for this option. (You can manage how much you are willing to pay per download in your Kindle account settings in Amazon).
- Once you’ve made a selection, click Continue, and you will see this box. Unless you need to change your Kindle email address, click Continue here, as well.
Future Downloads from Edelweiss
If you set the Kindle as your preferred format in step 3, then the next time you download a book from Edelweiss, you will be brought directly to step 5 above. If you want to download the file in a non-Kindle format, you can select Change at the top of the box.
Note that Kindle downloads of Edelweiss digital review copies can only be read on your Kindle, and cannot be shared with mobile devices or read on a computer using the Kindle for PC app. If you would like to read review copies on your computer, please follow our instructions on downloading and reading digital review copies On a Computer.
Adobe Digital Editions allows you to transfer items from your library to your Nook. You will need to download the file to your computer, using Adobe Digital Editions, and then connect your Nook to the computer, and launch Digital Editions to begin the transfer of the file to your device.
Download Adobe Digital Editions from here (it’s free). Details follow.
Downloading an Edelweiss Digital Review Copy
- Go to Edelweiss and select a digital review copy to download. You will see a message like this:
- If you do not already have Adobe Digital Editions software, click on the link in the message box, or here, to download the free software. There are versions for both PCs and Macs.
- When you install the software, you will be asked if you want to Authorize Computer. Select this option. If you already have an Adobe ID, enter it here (you may have one if you have read ebooks or ARCs on another computer or mobile device before). Otherwise, click the link in this box to get an Adobe ID online and enter your Adobe ID here to authorize your computer.
- Once you have fully installed Adobe Digital Editions, switch back to Edelweiss, and click the Continue button on the Edelweiss box. Click OK for the file to be downloaded.
- Adobe Digital Editions will open, and you can manage your downloaded review copies from there (and even read them if you want). It will act as the conduit to your ebook reader. From now on, you will just need to click on Download Digital ARC on a title (when available) in Edelweiss, and the file will automatically be downloaded to, and opened in the Adobe Digital Editions reader.
Connect your Nook to your computer and launch Digital Editions. Digital Editions automatically detects the presence of your Nook and offers to authorize it with your Adobe ID. If you have not authorized Digital Editions with your computer, you will need to complete that first (Digital Editions guides you through that process. Both Digital Editions and the device must be authorized to be able to transfer protected content to and from the device. Unprotected content can be transferred to and from the device without authorizing either the device or Digital Editions, but Adobe strongly advises authorizing Digital Editions as it gives you content portability for your protected books, whether on Digital Editions or Nook.
After authorization, the device appears as a new bookshelf in your library. You can transfer items to and from the Nook’s bookshelf, just as you do with other bookshelves in your library, by dragging and dropping the cover image for that title into your Nook library shelf. You can read books that are on your Nook, or your own computer. Before ejecting your Nook, go ahead and confirm the transfered titles appear on your Nook “shelf.”
When you’re back in the Nook, if your newly transferred title doesn’t immediately appear on your home page or on your book shelf, you may need to go to your library, open “my files” folder, and access the title initially in the Digital Editions folder. Alternatively, you can move the title to one of your shelves and access it from there.
Some troubleshooting tips for Adobe Digital Editions/Nook
- In Adobe Digital Editions, Make certain you are in the Library view and then go to the upper left hand of the app and select the down arrow then select Authorize Computer
- Take note of the email address to whom Digital Editions has been authorized.
- On the Nook, go to the Settings and take note of the email associated with the device.
- These email addresses need to match in order for transfers to work.
- This Nook webpage includes a handy video showing you how to set up Adobe Digital Editions and transfer files to your Nook.
If you are seeing a message You are not authorized after copying the book, try these steps.
- Exit out of Adobe Digital Editions
- Connect Nook to Computer
- Delete 2 directories. Digital Editons and .adobe-digital-editions
- On a mac, you may only get to hidden folders by using Go->Go to folder->’.adobe-digital-editions’, and then change the finder display to pane view
- Open ADE
- Connect Nook
- Reauthorize
- Copy over the titles again from Digital Editions.